Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Well tie me up and call me Shirley!

Awesome News! Tickle Me Silly was selected to be a part of the 2008 New York Television Festival (NYTV) in the Independent Pilot Competition.
This is a huge event where major network executives and industry figures will get a chance to see the film.

The Festival is FREE! So please come join me and show your support on:

Saturday, September 13th 11:00am
New World Stages 5 (340 West 50th Street, between 8th and 9th)
Sunday, September 14th 10:45am
New World Stages 3 (340 West 50th Street, between 8th and 9th)

I’ll be attending both screenings and would love to see your faces there as well.

The bigger the turnout the better, this one’s for all the refried beans!! Hope to see everyone there!

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